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# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Overview
# Higher-level commands which invoke the functionality of this package
# for an arbitrary tcl shell (tclsh, wish, ...). This is required by a
# repository as while the tcl shell executing packages uses the same
# platform in general as a repository application there can be
# differences in detail (i.e. 32/64 bit builds).
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require platform
namespace eval ::platform::shell {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
# -- platform::shell::generic
proc ::platform::shell::generic {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::generic]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::identify
proc ::platform::shell::identify {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::identify]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::platform
proc ::platform::shell::platform {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
set code {}
lappend code {puts $tcl_platform(platform)}
lappend code {exit 0}
return [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper commands.
proc ::platform::shell::CHECK {shell} {
if {![file exists $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" does not exist"
if {![file executable $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable (permissions)"
proc ::platform::shell::LOCATE {bv ov} {
upvar 1 $bv base $ov out
# Locate the platform package for injection into the specified
# shell. We are using package management to find it, whereever it
# is, instead of using hardwired relative paths. This allows us to
# install the two packages as TMs without breaking the code
# here. If the found package is wrapped we copy the code somewhere
# where the spawned shell will be able to read it.
# This code is brittle, it needs has to adapt to whatever changes
# are made to the TM code, i.e. the provide statement generated by
# tm.tcl
set pl [package ifneeded platform [package require platform]]
set base [lindex $pl end]
set out 0
if {[lindex [file system $base]] ne "native"} {
set temp [TEMP]
file copy -force $base $temp
set base $temp
set out 1
proc ::platform::shell::RUN {shell code} {
set c [TEMP]
set cc [open $c w]
puts $cc $code
close $cc
set e [TEMP]
set code [catch {
exec $shell $c 2> $e
} res]
file delete $c
if {$code} {
append res \n[read [set chan [open $e r]]][close $chan]
file delete $e
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable ($res)"
file delete $e
return $res
proc ::platform::shell::TEMP {} {
set prefix platform
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempFile/tempfile)
set tmpdir [DIR]
set chars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
set nrand_chars 10
set maxtries 10
set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
set permission 0600
set channel ""
set checked_dir_writable 0
set mypid [pid]
for {set i 0} {$i < $maxtries} {incr i} {
set newname $prefix
for {set j 0} {$j < $nrand_chars} {incr j} {
append newname [string index $chars \
[expr {int(rand()*62)}]]
set newname [file join $tmpdir $newname]
if {[file exists $newname]} {
after 1
} else {
if {[catch {open $newname $access $permission} channel]} {
if {!$checked_dir_writable} {
set dirname [file dirname $newname]
if {![file writable $dirname]} {
return -code error "Directory $dirname is not writable"
set checked_dir_writable 1
} else {
# Success
close $channel
return [file normalize $newname]
if {$channel ne ""} {
return -code error "Failed to open a temporary file: $channel"
} else {
return -code error "Failed to find an unused temporary file name"
proc ::platform::shell::DIR {} {
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempDir/tempdir)
global tcl_platform env
set attempdirs [list]
foreach tmp {TMPDIR TEMP TMP} {
if { [info exists env($tmp)] } {
lappend attempdirs $env($tmp)
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
lappend attempdirs "C:\\TEMP" "C:\\TMP" "\\TEMP" "\\TMP"
macintosh {
set tmpdir $env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
default {
lappend attempdirs \
[file join / tmp] \
[file join / var tmp] \
[file join / usr tmp]
lappend attempdirs [pwd]
foreach tmp $attempdirs {
if { [file isdirectory $tmp] && [file writable $tmp] } {
return [file normalize $tmp]
# Fail if nothing worked.
return -code error "Unable to determine a proper directory for temporary files"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide platform::shell 1.1.4