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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Overview
# Heuristics to assemble a platform identifier from publicly available
# information. The identifier describes the platform of the currently
# running tcl shell. This is a mixture of the runtime environment and
# of build-time properties of the executable itself.
# Examples:
# <1> A tcl shell executing on a x86_64 processor, but having a
# wordsize of 4 was compiled for the x86 environment, i.e. 32
# bit, and loaded packages have to match that, and not the
# actual cpu.
# <2> The hp/solaris 32/64 bit builds of the core cannot be
# distinguished by looking at tcl_platform. As packages have to
# match the 32/64 information we have to look in more places. In
# this case we inspect the executable itself (magic numbers,
# i.e. fileutil::magic::filetype).
# The basic information used comes out of the 'os' and 'machine'
# entries of the 'tcl_platform' array. A number of general and
# os/machine specific transformation are applied to get a canonical
# result.
# General
# Only the first element of 'os' is used - we don't care whether we
# are on "Windows NT" or "Windows XP" or whatever.
# Machine specific
# % arm* -> arm
# % sun4* -> sparc
# % intel -> ix86
# % i*86* -> ix86
# % Power* -> powerpc
# % x86_64 + wordSize 4 => x86 code
# OS specific
# % AIX are always powerpc machines
# % HP-UX 9000/800 etc means parisc
# % linux has to take glibc version into account
# % sunos -> solaris, and keep version number
# NOTE: A platform like linux glibc 2.3, which can use glibc 2.2 stuff
# has to provide all possible allowed platform identifiers when
# searching search. Ditto a solaris 2.8 platform can use solaris 2.6
# packages. Etc. This is handled by the other procedure, see below.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::platform {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
# -- platform::generic
# Assembles an identifier for the generic platform. It leaves out
# details like kernel version, libc version, etc.
proc ::platform::generic {} {
global tcl_platform
set plat [string tolower [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0]]
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch -glob -- $cpu {
sun4* {
set cpu sparc
intel -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
# See Example <1> at the top of this file.
set cpu ix86
"Power*" {
set cpu powerpc
"arm*" {
set cpu arm
ia64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
append cpu _32
switch -glob -- $plat {
cygwin* {
set plat cygwin
windows {
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
set plat cygwin
} else {
set plat win32
if {$cpu eq "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
sunos {
set plat solaris
if {[string match "ix86" $cpu]} {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
set cpu x86_64
} elseif {![string match "ia64*" $cpu]} {
# sparc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
darwin {
set plat macosx
# Correctly identify the cpu when running as a 64bit
# process on a machine with a 32bit kernel
if {$cpu eq "ix86"} {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
set cpu x86_64
aix {
set cpu powerpc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
hp-ux {
set plat hpux
if {![string match "ia64*" $cpu]} {
set cpu parisc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
osf1 {
set plat tru64
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
# -- platform::identify
# Assembles an identifier for the exact platform, by extending the
# generic identifier. I.e. it adds in details like kernel version,
# libc version, etc., if they are relevant for the loading of
# packages on the platform.
proc ::platform::identify {} {
global tcl_platform
set id [generic]
regexp {^([^-]+)-([^-]+)$} $id -> plat cpu
switch -- $plat {
solaris {
regsub {^5} $tcl_platform(osVersion) 2 text
append plat $text
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
macosx {
set major [lindex [split $tcl_platform(osVersion) .] 0]
if {$major > 8} {
incr major -4
append plat 10.$major
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
linux {
# Look for the libc*.so and determine its version
# (libc5/6, libc6 further glibc 2.X)
set v unknown
# Determine in which directory to look. /lib, or /lib64.
# For that we use the tcl_platform(wordSize).
# We could use the 'cpu' info, per the equivalence below,
# that however would be restricted to intel. And this may
# be a arm, mips, etc. system. The wordsize is more
# fundamental.
# ix86 <=> (wordSize == 4) <=> 32 bit ==> /lib
# x86_64 <=> (wordSize == 8) <=> 64 bit ==> /lib64
# Do not look into /lib64 even if present, if the cpu
# doesn't fit.
# TODO: Determine the prefixes (i386, x86_64, ...) for
# other cpus. The path after the generic one is utterly
# specific to intel right now. Ok, on Ubuntu, possibly
# other Debian systems we may apparently be able to query
# the necessary CPU code. If we can't we simply use the
# hardwired fallback.
switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(wordSize) {
4 {
lappend bases /lib
if {[catch {
exec dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH
} res]} {
lappend bases /lib/i386-linux-gnu
} else {
# dpkg-arch returns the full tripled, not just cpu.
lappend bases /lib/$res
8 {
lappend bases /lib64
if {[catch {
exec dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH
} res]} {
lappend bases /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
} else {
# dpkg-arch returns the full tripled, not just cpu.
lappend bases /lib/$res
default {
return -code error "Bad wordSize $tcl_platform(wordSize), expected 4 or 8"
foreach base $bases {
if {[LibcVersion $base -> v]} break
append plat -$v
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
return $id
proc ::platform::LibcVersion {base _->_ vv} {
upvar 1 $vv v
set libclist [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory $base libc*]]
if {![llength $libclist]} { return 0 }
set libc [lindex $libclist 0]
# Try executing the library first. This should suceed
# for a glibc library, and return the version
# information.
if {![catch {
set vdata [lindex [split [exec $libc] \n] 0]
}]} {
regexp {version ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)} $vdata -> v
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
set v glibc${major}.${minor}
return 1
} else {
# We had trouble executing the library. We are now
# inspecting its name to determine the version
# number. This code by Larry McVoy.
if {[regexp -- {libc-([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)} $libc -> major minor]} {
set v glibc${major}.${minor}
return 1
return 0
# -- platform::patterns
# Given an exact platform identifier, i.e. _not_ the generic
# identifier it assembles a list of exact platform identifier
# describing platform which should be compatible with the
# input.
# I.e. packages for all platforms in the result list should be
# loadable on the specified platform.
# << Should we add the generic identifier to the list as well ? In
# general it is not compatible I believe. So better not. In many
# cases the exact identifier is identical to the generic one
# anyway.
# >>
proc ::platform::patterns {id} {
set res [list $id]
if {$id eq "tcl"} {return $res}
switch -glob -- $id {
solaris*-* {
if {[regexp {solaris([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
if {$v eq ""} {return $id}
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
incr minor -1
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 6} {incr j -1} {
lappend res solaris${major}.${j}-${cpu}
linux*-* {
if {[regexp {linux-glibc([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
incr minor -1
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} {
lappend res linux-glibc${major}.${j}-${cpu}
macosx-powerpc {
lappend res macosx-universal
macosx-x86_64 {
lappend res macosx-i386-x86_64
macosx-ix86 {
lappend res macosx-universal macosx-i386-x86_64
macosx*-* {
# 10.5+
if {[regexp {macosx([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
switch -exact -- $cpu {
ix86 {
lappend alt i386-x86_64
lappend alt universal
x86_64 { lappend alt i386-x86_64 }
default { set alt {} }
if {$v ne ""} {
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
# Add 10.5 to 10.minor to patterns.
set res {}
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 5} {incr j -1} {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-${cpu}
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-$a
# Add unversioned patterns for 10.3/10.4 builds.
lappend res macosx-${cpu}
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx-$a
} else {
# No version, just do unversioned patterns.
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx-$a
} else {
# no v, no cpu ... nothing
lappend res tcl ; # Pure tcl packages are always compatible.
return $res
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide platform 1.0.14
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Demo application
if {[info exists argv0] && ($argv0 eq [info script])} {
puts ====================================
parray tcl_platform
puts ====================================
puts Generic\ identification:\ [::platform::generic]
puts Exact\ identification:\ \ \ [::platform::identify]
puts ====================================
puts Search\ patterns:
puts *\ [join [::platform::patterns [::platform::identify]] \n*\ ]
puts ====================================
exit 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Overview
# Higher-level commands which invoke the functionality of this package
# for an arbitrary tcl shell (tclsh, wish, ...). This is required by a
# repository as while the tcl shell executing packages uses the same
# platform in general as a repository application there can be
# differences in detail (i.e. 32/64 bit builds).
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require platform
namespace eval ::platform::shell {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
# -- platform::shell::generic
proc ::platform::shell::generic {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::generic]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::identify
proc ::platform::shell::identify {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::identify]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::platform
proc ::platform::shell::platform {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
set code {}
lappend code {puts $tcl_platform(platform)}
lappend code {exit 0}
return [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper commands.
proc ::platform::shell::CHECK {shell} {
if {![file exists $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" does not exist"
if {![file executable $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable (permissions)"
proc ::platform::shell::LOCATE {bv ov} {
upvar 1 $bv base $ov out
# Locate the platform package for injection into the specified
# shell. We are using package management to find it, whereever it
# is, instead of using hardwired relative paths. This allows us to
# install the two packages as TMs without breaking the code
# here. If the found package is wrapped we copy the code somewhere
# where the spawned shell will be able to read it.
# This code is brittle, it needs has to adapt to whatever changes
# are made to the TM code, i.e. the provide statement generated by
# tm.tcl
set pl [package ifneeded platform [package require platform]]
set base [lindex $pl end]
set out 0
if {[lindex [file system $base]] ne "native"} {
set temp [TEMP]
file copy -force $base $temp
set base $temp
set out 1
proc ::platform::shell::RUN {shell code} {
set c [TEMP]
set cc [open $c w]
puts $cc $code
close $cc
set e [TEMP]
set code [catch {
exec $shell $c 2> $e
} res]
file delete $c
if {$code} {
append res \n[read [set chan [open $e r]]][close $chan]
file delete $e
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable ($res)"
file delete $e
return $res
proc ::platform::shell::TEMP {} {
set prefix platform
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempFile/tempfile)
set tmpdir [DIR]
set chars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
set nrand_chars 10
set maxtries 10
set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
set permission 0600
set channel ""
set checked_dir_writable 0
set mypid [pid]
for {set i 0} {$i < $maxtries} {incr i} {
set newname $prefix
for {set j 0} {$j < $nrand_chars} {incr j} {
append newname [string index $chars \
[expr {int(rand()*62)}]]
set newname [file join $tmpdir $newname]
if {[file exists $newname]} {
after 1
} else {
if {[catch {open $newname $access $permission} channel]} {
if {!$checked_dir_writable} {
set dirname [file dirname $newname]
if {![file writable $dirname]} {
return -code error "Directory $dirname is not writable"
set checked_dir_writable 1
} else {
# Success
close $channel
return [file normalize $newname]
if {$channel ne ""} {
return -code error "Failed to open a temporary file: $channel"
} else {
return -code error "Failed to find an unused temporary file name"
proc ::platform::shell::DIR {} {
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempDir/tempdir)
global tcl_platform env
set attempdirs [list]
foreach tmp {TMPDIR TEMP TMP} {
if { [info exists env($tmp)] } {
lappend attempdirs $env($tmp)
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
lappend attempdirs "C:\\TEMP" "C:\\TMP" "\\TEMP" "\\TMP"
macintosh {
set tmpdir $env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
default {
lappend attempdirs \
[file join / tmp] \
[file join / var tmp] \
[file join / usr tmp]
lappend attempdirs [pwd]
foreach tmp $attempdirs {
if { [file isdirectory $tmp] && [file writable $tmp] } {
return [file normalize $tmp]
# Fail if nothing worked.
return -code error "Unable to determine a proper directory for temporary files"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide platform::shell 1.1.4
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user