import storage import pymsgbox, os, time, requests, uuid, configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()'biblio.ini') path=config["DATA"]["databasePath"] csvPath=config["DATA"]["csvPath"] serverurl=config["DATA"]["serverUrl"] auth=config["DATA"]["authCode"] significance=int(config["DATA"]["significance"]) verbose=bool(config["DATA"]["verbose"]) upwait=int(config["DATA"]["updateUserWait"]) chunkRowNum=int(config["DATA"]["chunkSize"]) def vprint(data): global verbose if verbose: print(data) # HERE IS OUR GENERATOR def read_in_chunks(file_object, CHUNK_SIZE=1024): while True: data = if not data: break yield data def upload(csvPath): global serverurl global auth vprint("Generating nonce uuid") uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) content_path = csvPath content_size = os.stat(content_path).st_size vprint(content_path, content_size) file_object = open(content_path, "rb") index = 0 offset = 0 headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = auth headers['X-Nonce'] = uid headers['X-Intent'] ="W" for chunk in read_in_chunks(file_object, 1024): offset = index + len(chunk) headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes %s-%s/%s' % (index, offset - 1, content_size) index = offset try: file = {"file": chunk} r =, files=file, headers=headers) vprint(r.text) vprint("r: %s, Content-Range: %s" % (r, headers['Content-Range'])) except Exception as e: print(e) headers['X-Intent'] = "C",data="Concludo, Presidente",headers=headers) if not storage.exists("lastUpdate"): vprint("Last database update record has been initialized")"lastUpdate",0) if not storage.exists("updateTick"): vprint("Update tick record has been initialized")"updateTick",0) if not storage.exists("lastCSVUpdate"): vprint("Last csv upsate record has been initialized")"lastCSVUpdate",0) while True: vprint("Main loop entered") try: vprint("In try-catch wrapper") if storage.load("lastUpdate")significance: vprint("The counter has overflowed the significance threshold")"updateTick",0) vprint("Resetting the counter to 0 accordingly") vprint("Displaying update dialog") pymsgbox.alert('Il catalogo dei libri è stato aggiornato.\nSi prega di cliccare File > Esporta Archivio > Esporta > Sì', 'Catalogo aggiornato') vprint("Dialog displayed, waiting "+str(upwait)+"s") time.sleep(upwait) vprint("Wait expired") if storage.load("lastCSVUpdate")