function pad(n, width, z) { z = z || '0'; n = n + ''; return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n; } function toIsoString(date) { var tzo = -date.getTimezoneOffset(), dif = tzo >= 0 ? '+' : '-', pad = function (num) { return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num; }; return date.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(date.getDate()) + 'T' + pad(date.getHours()) + ':' + pad(date.getMinutes()) + ':' + pad(date.getSeconds()) + dif + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(tzo) / 60)) + ':' + pad(Math.abs(tzo) % 60); } var living = document.getElementById("living"); function beat() { var dt = new Date(); var birth = new Date('2002-11-19 22:15:00'); // or if you have milliseconds, use that instead var z = new Date(dt - birth); var epoch = new Date('1970-01-01 00:00:00'); var diff_years = z.getYear() - epoch.getYear(); var diff_month = z.getMonth() - epoch.getMonth(); var diff_days = z.getDate() - epoch.getDate(); var diff_hours = z.getHours() - epoch.getHours(); var diff_minutes = z.getMinutes() - epoch.getMinutes(); var diff_seconds = z.getSeconds() - epoch.getSeconds(); living.innerHTML = "2002-11-19T22:15:00+01:00 - " + toIsoString(dt) + "
" + diff_years + " y, " + diff_month + " m, " + diff_days + " d, " + pad(diff_hours, 2) + ":" + pad(diff_minutes, 2) + ":" + pad(diff_seconds, 2); } beat(); function specialDates() { let portrait = document.getElementById("portrait"); let portraitLink = document.getElementById("portraitLink"); let body = document.body; let date = new Date(); // reset all body.classList.remove("bodyEuDay"); body.classList.remove("bodyRepublicDay"); body.classList.remove("bodyXMAS"); body.classList.remove("bodyNATODay"); body.classList.remove("greyFilter"); document.querySelectorAll(".happyEuDay").forEach(function (el) { = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll(".happyRepublicDay").forEach(function (el) { = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll(".happyNATODay").forEach(function (el) { = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll(".happyXMAS").forEach(function (el) { = "none"; }); portrait.src = "images/portrait.jpg"; portraitLink.href = "images/portrait.jpg"; /* getDate is day of month, usual bad library design also date.getMonth starts from 0, one of the dumbest zero-indexings I have ever seen These two things together took me 1 hour to figure out */ document.getElementById("euS").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("redS").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("xmaS").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("natoS").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("janS").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("regularS").style.display = "none"; let force = null; if (location.hash.indexOf("force:") != -1) { let exp = location.hash.split(":"); if (exp.length == 2) force = location.hash.split(":")[1]; if (force == "no") force = null; } if ((force == null && date.getMonth() + 1 == 5 && date.getDate() == 9) || force == "eu") { document.getElementById("euS").style.display = "inline"; body.classList.add("bodyEuDay"); portrait.src = "images/euportrait.png"; portraitLink.href = "images/euportrait.png"; document.querySelectorAll(".happyEuDay").forEach(function (el) { = "block"; }); baseColorClass = "goldColor"; selectedColorClass = "darkGoldColor"; } else if ((force == null && date.getMonth() + 1 == 6 && date.getDate() == 2) || force == "it") { document.getElementById("redS").style.display = "inline"; body.classList.add("bodyRepublicDay"); portrait.src = "images/itportrait.png"; portraitLink.href = "images/itportrait.png"; document.querySelectorAll(".happyRepublicDay").forEach(function (el) { = "block"; }); baseColorClass = "baseColor"; selectedColorClass = "greenColor"; } else if ((force == null && date.getMonth() + 1 == 4 && date.getDate() == 4) || force == "nato") { document.getElementById("natoS").style.display = "inline"; body.classList.add("bodyNATODay"); portrait.src = "images/natoportrait.png"; portraitLink.href = "images/natoportrait.png"; document.querySelectorAll(".happyNATODay").forEach(function (el) { = "block"; }); baseColorClass = "baseColor"; selectedColorClass = "blueColor"; } else if ((force == null && date.getMonth() + 1 == 12 && date.getDate() > 18 && date.getDate() < 27) || force == "xmas") { document.getElementById("xmaS").style.display = "inline"; body.classList.add("bodyXMAS"); portrait.src = "images/xmasportrait.png"; portraitLink.href = "images/xmasportrait.png"; document.querySelectorAll(".happyXMAS").forEach(function (el) { = "block"; }); baseColorClass = "baseColor"; selectedColorClass = "redColor"; } else if ((force == null && date.getMonth() + 1 == 1) || force == "jan") { // grey january document.getElementById("janS").style.display = "inline"; body.classList.add("greyFilter"); } else { document.getElementById("regularS").style.display = "inline"; baseColorClass = "baseColor"; selectedColorClass = "redColor"; } playIcons.forEach(function (el) { if (!isPlaying(musicPlayer) || playingItem != el.attributes["data-play"].textContent) { el.src = playIcon; setResting(el); } else{ el.src = stopIcon; setSelected(el); } }); if (playing) {setSelected(pronounceImage); } else {setResting(pronounceImage); setResting(mattiaText); setResting(mascarelloText); } } var mattiaText = document.getElementById("mattia"); var mascarelloText = document.getElementById("mascarello"); let mattia = new Audio("audio/mattia.ogg"); let mascarello = new Audio("audio/mascarello.ogg"); let pronounceLink = document.getElementById("pronounce"); let pronounceImage = document.querySelector("#pronounce>img"); let playing = false; try { // disable media controls here navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('pause', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekbackward', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekforward', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', function () { /* Code excerpted. */ }); } catch (e) { } pronounceImage.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () { if (playing || isPlaying(musicPlayer)) return; setSelected(pronounceImage); }); pronounceImage.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () { if (playing || isPlaying(musicPlayer)) return; setResting(pronounceImage); }); mascarello.onended = function () { playing = false; setResting(pronounceImage); setTimeout(function () { setResting(mascarelloText) }, 500); }; mattia.onended = function () { setTimeout(function () { setSelected(mascarelloText) setResting(mattiaText);; }, 1000); }; pronounceLink.addEventListener("click", function () { if (playing || isPlaying(musicPlayer)) return; setSelected(pronounceImage); mattia.currentTime = 0; mascarello.currentTime = 0; playing = true; setSelected(mattiaText);; }); var musicPlayer = new Audio(); var playingItem = ""; let audioMap = { nato: "audio/nato.mp3", eu: "audio/eu.ogg", it: "audio/ita.mp3" }; var playIcon = "icons/play.svg"; var stopIcon = "icons/stop.svg"; var baseColorClass = "baseColor"; var selectedColorClass = "redColor"; function clearColor(target) { target.classList.forEach(function (el) { if (el.endsWith("Color")) { target.classList.remove(el); } }); } function setSelected(target) { clearColor(target); target.classList.add(selectedColorClass); } function setResting(target) { clearColor(target); target.classList.add(baseColorClass); } var playIcons = []; document.querySelectorAll(".playIcon").forEach(function (el) { el.src = playIcon; playIcons.push(el); el.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (e) { if (isPlaying(musicPlayer) && playingItem ==["data-play"].textContent) { = stopIcon; } else { = playIcon; } setSelected(; }); el.addEventListener("mouseleave", function (e) { if (isPlaying(musicPlayer) && playingItem ==["data-play"].textContent) { = stopIcon; } else { = playIcon; } setResting(; }); el.parentElement.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if (isPlaying(musicPlayer) && playingItem ==["data-play"].textContent) { // stop musicPlayer.pause(); = playIcon; = "Start Playing"; musicPlayer.playing = false; musicPlayer.currentTime = 0; } else { // set all the other icons to play when we start this one playIcons.forEach(function (e) { e.src = playIcon; e.alt = "Start Playing"; }); let tag =["data-play"].textContent; playingItem = tag; musicPlayer.src = audioMap[tag]; = stopIcon; = "Stop Playing"; musicPlayer.currentTime = 0;; } }); }); musicPlayer.onended = function () { playIcons.forEach(function (e) { e.src = playIcon; e.alt = "Start Playing"; }); }; function isPlaying(myAudio) { return !myAudio.paused && myAudio.currentTime > 0 && !myAudio.ended; } specialDates(); setInterval(function () { beat(); }, 1000); setInterval(function () { specialDates(); }, 5 * 60 * 1000); addEventListener("hashchange", (event) => { specialDates(); });