from pypresence import Presence import time, subprocess, json import dataModel import handler import threading import asyncio import uuid # current_data structure # state -> state # details -> details # large_image # small_image # large_text # small_text # start # end # timeFilip # lastTimeUpdate # descriptar import flask from flask import request, jsonify app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config["DEBUG"] = False current_data = dataModel.default @app.route('/new', methods=['POST']) def new(): global current_data if (request.json == None): # is body empty? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 1, "error": "No json body supplied" } # error -> no json body supplied elif "descriptar" not in request.json.keys( ): # is the descriptar app present? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 4, "error": "Descriptar not specified" } # error -> descriptar does not exist elif request.json["descriptar"] in current_data.keys( ): # is the descriptar app present? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 4, "error": "Descriptar already used" } # error -> descriptar does not exist else: temp = dict(current_data) temp[request.json["descriptar"]] = {} for key in request.json.keys(): # loop through keys if key not in dataModel.default["default"].keys(): # is key in the list? return key res = {"ok": False, "errorId": 8, "error": "Key invalid"} return jsonify(res) else: temp[request.json["descriptar"]][key] = request.json[key] if dataModel.is_valid_current_data_format(temp): temp[request.json["descriptar"]]["accessCode"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) current_data[request.json["descriptar"]] = temp[ request.json["descriptar"]] res = {"ok": True, "accessCode":temp[request.json["descriptar"]]} else: res = {"ok": False} return jsonify(res) @app.route('/set/', methods=['POST']) def setD(descriptar): global current_data # global current data store if (request.json == None): # is body empty? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 1, "error": "No json body supplied" } # error -> no json body supplied elif not descriptar in current_data.keys( ): # is the descriptar app present? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 4, "error": "Descriptar does not exist" } # error -> descriptar does not exist elif "accessCode" in request.json.keys( ) and current_data[descriptar]["accessCode"] != request.json[ "accessCode"]: # is access code present and correct res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 5, "error": "Invalid access code" } # error -> the access code is invalid else: temp = dict(current_data[descriptar]) # generate temporary list for key in request.json.keys(): # loop through keys if key not in dataModel.default["default"].keys(): # is key in the list? res = {"ok": False, "errorId": 8, "error": "Key invalid"} return jsonify(res) else: temp[descriptar][key] = request.json[key] if dataModel.is_valid_current_data_format(temp): current_data[descriptar] = temp[descriptar] res = {"ok": True} else: res = {"ok": False} return jsonify(res) @app.route('/get/', methods=['POST']) # get a rich presence by his descriptar def get(descriptar): global current_data # global current data store if (request.json == None): # is body empty? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 1, "error": "No json body supplied" } # error -> no json body supplied else: if not descriptar in current_data.keys( ): # is the descriptar app present? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 4, "error": "Descriptar Does not exist" } # error -> descriptar does not exist elif "accessCode" in request.json.keys( ): # is an access code specified? if current_data[descriptar]["accessCode"] == request.json[ "accessCode"]: # Is the access code correct? res = current_data[descriptar] # send current Data else: res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 5, "error": "Invalid access code" } # error -> the access code is invalid elif "publicRead" in current_data[descriptar].keys() and current_data[descriptar]["publicRead"]: # is public read allowed? res = current_data[descriptar] # pull data res.pop("accessCode") # ! remove accessCode for security else: res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 6, "error": "Unauthorized" } # error -> not authorized print(res) return jsonify(res) # send data @app.route('/delete/', methods=['DELETE']) def delete(descriptar): res={"ok": True} if (request.json == None): # is body empty? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 1, "error": "No json body supplied" } # error -> no json body supplied elif not descriptar in current_data.keys( ): # is the descriptar app present? res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 4, "error": "Descriptar does not exist" } # error -> descriptar does not exist elif "accessCode" in request.json.keys( ) and current_data[descriptar]["accessCode"] != request.json[ "accessCode"]: # is access code present and correct res = { "ok": False, "errorId": 5, "error": "Invalid access code" } # error -> the access code is invalid else: current_data.pop(descriptar) return res def diTH(): global current_data connected = False while not connected: try: client_id = '932430232049832423324' # Fake ID, put your real one here RPC = Presence(client_id) # Initialize the client class RPC.connect() # Start the handshake loop connected = True except Exception as e: print(126) print(e) connected = False time.sleep(20) while True: # The presence will stay on as long as the program is running try: print("---cdata---") print(current_data) print("---Ecdata---") d = handler.handle(current_data) print(d) RPC.update(state=d["state"], details=d["details"], large_image=d["large_image"], small_image=d["small_image"], large_text=d["large_text"], small_text=d["small_text"], start=d["start"], end=d["end"]) time.sleep(15) # Can only update rich presence every 15 seconds except Exception as e: print(144) print(e) while not connected: try: client_id = '778926641333796885' # Fake ID, put your real one here RPC = Presence(client_id) # Initialize the client class RPC.connect() # Start the handshake loop connected = True except Exception as e: print(149) print(e) connected = False time.sleep(20) def server(): thread = threading.Thread(target=server) thread.start() diTH()