/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Patrick Gansterer * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ (function (global, undefined) { "use strict"; var POW_2_24 = 5.960464477539063e-8, POW_2_32 = 4294967296, POW_2_53 = 9007199254740992; function encode(value) { var data = new ArrayBuffer(256); var dataView = new DataView(data); var lastLength; var offset = 0; function prepareWrite(length) { var newByteLength = data.byteLength; var requiredLength = offset + length; while (newByteLength < requiredLength) newByteLength <<= 1; if (newByteLength !== data.byteLength) { var oldDataView = dataView; data = new ArrayBuffer(newByteLength); dataView = new DataView(data); var uint32count = (offset + 3) >> 2; for (var i = 0; i < uint32count; ++i) dataView.setUint32(i << 2, oldDataView.getUint32(i << 2)); } lastLength = length; return dataView; } function commitWrite() { offset += lastLength; } function writeFloat64(value) { commitWrite(prepareWrite(8).setFloat64(offset, value)); } function writeUint8(value) { commitWrite(prepareWrite(1).setUint8(offset, value)); } function writeUint8Array(value) { var dataView = prepareWrite(value.length); for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) dataView.setUint8(offset + i, value[i]); commitWrite(); } function writeUint16(value) { commitWrite(prepareWrite(2).setUint16(offset, value)); } function writeUint32(value) { commitWrite(prepareWrite(4).setUint32(offset, value)); } function writeUint64(value) { var low = value % POW_2_32; var high = (value - low) / POW_2_32; var dataView = prepareWrite(8); dataView.setUint32(offset, high); dataView.setUint32(offset + 4, low); commitWrite(); } function writeTypeAndLength(type, length) { if (length < 24) { writeUint8(type << 5 | length); } else if (length < 0x100) { writeUint8(type << 5 | 24); writeUint8(length); } else if (length < 0x10000) { writeUint8(type << 5 | 25); writeUint16(length); } else if (length < 0x100000000) { writeUint8(type << 5 | 26); writeUint32(length); } else { writeUint8(type << 5 | 27); writeUint64(length); } } function encodeItem(value) { var i; if (value === false) return writeUint8(0xf4); if (value === true) return writeUint8(0xf5); if (value === null) return writeUint8(0xf6); if (value === undefined) return writeUint8(0xf7); switch (typeof value) { case "number": if (Math.floor(value) === value) { if (0 <= value && value <= POW_2_53) return writeTypeAndLength(0, value); if (-POW_2_53 <= value && value < 0) return writeTypeAndLength(1, -(value + 1)); } writeUint8(0xfb); return writeFloat64(value); case "string": var utf8data = []; for (i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { var charCode = value.charCodeAt(i); if (charCode < 0x80) { utf8data.push(charCode); } else if (charCode < 0x800) { utf8data.push(0xc0 | charCode >> 6); utf8data.push(0x80 | charCode & 0x3f); } else if (charCode < 0xd800) { utf8data.push(0xe0 | charCode >> 12); utf8data.push(0x80 | (charCode >> 6) & 0x3f); utf8data.push(0x80 | charCode & 0x3f); } else { charCode = (charCode & 0x3ff) << 10; charCode |= value.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3ff; charCode += 0x10000; utf8data.push(0xf0 | charCode >> 18); utf8data.push(0x80 | (charCode >> 12) & 0x3f); utf8data.push(0x80 | (charCode >> 6) & 0x3f); utf8data.push(0x80 | charCode & 0x3f); } } writeTypeAndLength(3, utf8data.length); return writeUint8Array(utf8data); default: var length; if (Array.isArray(value)) { length = value.length; writeTypeAndLength(4, length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) encodeItem(value[i]); } else if (value instanceof Uint8Array) { writeTypeAndLength(2, value.length); writeUint8Array(value); } else { var keys = Object.keys(value); length = keys.length; writeTypeAndLength(5, length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; encodeItem(key); encodeItem(value[key]); } } } } encodeItem(value); if ("slice" in data) return data.slice(0, offset); var ret = new ArrayBuffer(offset); var retView = new DataView(ret); for (var i = 0; i < offset; ++i) retView.setUint8(i, dataView.getUint8(i)); return ret; } function decode(data, tagger, simpleValue) { var dataView = new DataView(data); var offset = 0; if (typeof tagger !== "function") tagger = function (value) { return value; }; if (typeof simpleValue !== "function") simpleValue = function () { return undefined; }; function commitRead(length, value) { offset += length; return value; } function readArrayBuffer(length) { return commitRead(length, new Uint8Array(data, offset, length)); } function readFloat16() { var tempArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4); var tempDataView = new DataView(tempArrayBuffer); var value = readUint16(); var sign = value & 0x8000; var exponent = value & 0x7c00; var fraction = value & 0x03ff; if (exponent === 0x7c00) exponent = 0xff << 10; else if (exponent !== 0) exponent += (127 - 15) << 10; else if (fraction !== 0) return (sign ? -1 : 1) * fraction * POW_2_24; tempDataView.setUint32(0, sign << 16 | exponent << 13 | fraction << 13); return tempDataView.getFloat32(0); } function readFloat32() { return commitRead(4, dataView.getFloat32(offset)); } function readFloat64() { return commitRead(8, dataView.getFloat64(offset)); } function readUint8() { return commitRead(1, dataView.getUint8(offset)); } function readUint16() { return commitRead(2, dataView.getUint16(offset)); } function readUint32() { return commitRead(4, dataView.getUint32(offset)); } function readUint64() { return readUint32() * POW_2_32 + readUint32(); } function readBreak() { if (dataView.getUint8(offset) !== 0xff) return false; offset += 1; return true; } function readLength(additionalInformation) { if (additionalInformation < 24) return additionalInformation; if (additionalInformation === 24) return readUint8(); if (additionalInformation === 25) return readUint16(); if (additionalInformation === 26) return readUint32(); if (additionalInformation === 27) return readUint64(); if (additionalInformation === 31) return -1; throw "Invalid length encoding"; } function readIndefiniteStringLength(majorType) { var initialByte = readUint8(); if (initialByte === 0xff) return -1; var length = readLength(initialByte & 0x1f); if (length < 0 || (initialByte >> 5) !== majorType) throw "Invalid indefinite length element"; return length; } function appendUtf16Data(utf16data, length) { for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var value = readUint8(); if (value & 0x80) { if (value < 0xe0) { value = (value & 0x1f) << 6 | (readUint8() & 0x3f); length -= 1; } else if (value < 0xf0) { value = (value & 0x0f) << 12 | (readUint8() & 0x3f) << 6 | (readUint8() & 0x3f); length -= 2; } else { value = (value & 0x0f) << 18 | (readUint8() & 0x3f) << 12 | (readUint8() & 0x3f) << 6 | (readUint8() & 0x3f); length -= 3; } } if (value < 0x10000) { utf16data.push(value); } else { value -= 0x10000; utf16data.push(0xd800 | (value >> 10)); utf16data.push(0xdc00 | (value & 0x3ff)); } } } function decodeItem() { var initialByte = readUint8(); var majorType = initialByte >> 5; var additionalInformation = initialByte & 0x1f; var i; var length; if (majorType === 7) { switch (additionalInformation) { case 25: return readFloat16(); case 26: return readFloat32(); case 27: return readFloat64(); } } length = readLength(additionalInformation); if (length < 0 && (majorType < 2 || 6 < majorType)) throw "Invalid length"; switch (majorType) { case 0: return length; case 1: return -1 - length; case 2: if (length < 0) { var elements = []; var fullArrayLength = 0; while ((length = readIndefiniteStringLength(majorType)) >= 0) { fullArrayLength += length; elements.push(readArrayBuffer(length)); } var fullArray = new Uint8Array(fullArrayLength); var fullArrayOffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { fullArray.set(elements[i], fullArrayOffset); fullArrayOffset += elements[i].length; } return fullArray; } return readArrayBuffer(length); case 3: var utf16data = []; if (length < 0) { while ((length = readIndefiniteStringLength(majorType)) >= 0) appendUtf16Data(utf16data, length); } else appendUtf16Data(utf16data, length); return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, utf16data); case 4: var retArray; if (length < 0) { retArray = []; while (!readBreak()) retArray.push(decodeItem()); } else { retArray = new Array(length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) retArray[i] = decodeItem(); } return retArray; case 5: var retObject = {}; for (i = 0; i < length || length < 0 && !readBreak(); ++i) { var key = decodeItem(); retObject[key] = decodeItem(); } return retObject; case 6: return tagger(decodeItem(), length); case 7: switch (length) { case 20: return false; case 21: return true; case 22: return null; case 23: return undefined; default: return simpleValue(length); } } } var ret = decodeItem(); if (offset !== data.byteLength) throw "Remaining bytes"; return ret; } var obj = { encode: encode, decode: decode }; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) define("cbor/cbor", obj); else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) module.exports = obj; else if (!global.CBOR) global.CBOR = obj; })(this);