# microgentambly Micro assembly-like interpreted languages Work in progress, does not support many features atm you can check the prorgams by running ``` python3 gg.py examples/filename.py ``` Current instruction set |Instruction|Arguments|Description|Examples| |---|---|---|---| |**INT**|variable_name|Declares an integer|`INT a`| |**SET**|variable_name,value|Sets a value|`SET a 0`| |**INC**|variable_name|Increments variable by 1|`INC a`| |**DEC**|variable_name|Decrements variable by 1|`DEC a`| |**CP**|var1,var2|Copies the value of the left variable into the right one|`CP a,b`| |**JL**|label,var1,var2 or value|If var2 or the value is less than var 1, jump to label|`JL lab v1 v2`| |**JM**|label,var1,var2 or value|If var2 or the value is more than var 1, jump to label|`JM lab v1 v2`| |**JLE**|label,var1,var2 or value|If var2 or the value is less or equal than var 1, jump to label|`JLE lab v1 v2`| |**JME**|label,var1,var2 or value|If var2 or the value is more or equal than var 1, jump to label|`JME lab v1 v2`| |**OUT**|freeform text|output text $variable$s will be replaced|`OUT Hello $user$`| |**IN**|type,variable,request|Input a value, printing a text|`IN w Width`| |**END**|-|Quit program|`END`|