import os import stat import sys import time import requests from markdownify import markdownify as md from moodle import Category, Course, Moodle, Section, Folder, File, Label, Url import unicodedata import re def slugify(value, allow_unicode=False): """ Taken from Convert to ASCII if 'allow_unicode' is False. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores. """ value = str(value) s = value.rsplit(".", 1) # split into name and extension ext = "" if len(s) == 2: value = s[0] ext = "." + slugify(s[1]) if allow_unicode: value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', value) else: value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value.lower()) res = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value).strip('-_') file = res + ext return file class LinkTo: pass class UrlLink(LinkTo): def __init__(self, url: str): self.url = url class FileLink(LinkTo): def __init__(self, url: str): self.url = url class HTMLContentMap(LinkTo): def __init__(self): self.htmlMap = {} def add(self, html: str, label_id: int): self.htmlMap[label_id] = md(html) def sort(self): self.htmlMap = dict(sorted(self.htmlMap.items())) def markdown_make(self) -> str: return "\n".join([self.htmlMap[key] for key in self.htmlMap]) fileCache = {} # Virtual Filesystem node class FSNode: def __init__(self, name: str, parent, is_dir=True): = slugify(name) self.parent = parent self.children = [] self.is_dir = is_dir self.size = 0 self.linkTo = None def to_stat_struct(self): if self.is_dir: return dict( st_mode=(stat.S_IFDIR | 0o555), st_ctime=time.time(), st_mtime=time.time(), st_atime=time.time(), st_nlink=len(self.children) ) else: return dict( st_mode=(stat.S_IFREG | 0o555), st_ctime=time.time(), st_mtime=time.time(), st_atime=time.time(), st_nlink=2, st_size=self.size ) def find_child_by_name(self, name: str): for el in self.children: if == name: return el return None def resolve_path(self, path: str): if path == "/": return self path_el = path.split("/")[1:] return self._recurse_path_traverse(path_el) def _recurse_path_traverse(self, path_arr: list[str]): if len(path_arr) == 0: return self for child in self.children: if == path_arr[0]: return child._recurse_path_traverse(path_arr[1:]) return None @staticmethod def from_category(c: Category, parent, m: Moodle): f = FSNode(, parent, True) for course in f.children.append(FSNode.from_course(course, f, m)) return f @staticmethod def from_course(c: Course, parent, m: Moodle): f = FSNode(c.shortname, parent, True) for s in m.get_course_content( f.children.append(FSNode.from_section(s, f, m)) return f @staticmethod def from_section(s: Section, parent, m: Moodle): f = FSNode(, parent, True) if len(s.htmlcontent): m = FSNode("", f, False) m.linkTo = HTMLContentMap() m.linkTo.add(s.htmlcontent, m.size = len(m.linkTo.markdown_make()) f.children.append(m) for mo in s.modules: el = FSNode.from_module(mo, f, m) if el is not None: f.children.append(el) if s.autoName: # Heuristic name generation q = f.find_child_by_name(slugify("")) if q is not None: md = q.linkTo.markdown_make() lines = md.split("\n") line = lines[0] i = 1 while not len(re.sub(r'\W+', '', line)) and i < len(lines): line = lines[i] i += 1 if i != len(lines): title = slugify(line) # truncate title to 30 chars title = title[:30] = title return f @staticmethod def from_module(mo, parent, m: Moodle): if isinstance(mo, Folder): f = FSNode(, parent, True) for el in mo.files: r = FSNode.from_module(el, f, m) if r is not None: f.children.append(r) return f elif isinstance(mo, File): FSNode.from_file(mo, parent, m) elif isinstance(mo, Label): FSNode.from_label(mo, parent, m) elif isinstance(mo, Url): return FSNode.from_url(mo, parent, m) return None @staticmethod def from_file(el: File, parent, m: Moodle): subpaths = el.file_relative_path.split("/") if subpaths[-1] == "": subpaths = subpaths[:-1] if subpaths[0] == "": subpaths = subpaths[1:] for path_component in subpaths: path_component = slugify(path_component) element = parent.find_child_by_name(path_component) if element is None: element = FSNode(path_component, parent, True) parent.children.append(element) parent = element f = FSNode(, parent, False) f.size = el.filesize f.linkTo = FileLink(el.fileurl) parent.children.append(f) @staticmethod def hash_link_to(a: LinkTo): if isinstance(a, UrlLink): return "url#" + a.url elif isinstance(a, FileLink): return a.url elif isinstance(a, HTMLContentMap): return "html#" + str(a.htmlMap.keys()) return None def read(self, size, offset, mo: Moodle): global fileCache if sys.getsizeof(fileCache) > 3 * 100000000 and len(fileCache) > 2: d = {k: v for k, v in sorted(fileCache.items(), key=lambda item: item["datetime"])} for k in list(d.keys())[:len(d) // 2]: del fileCache[k] del d link_hash = FSNode.hash_link_to(self.linkTo) if link_hash not in fileCache.keys(): if isinstance(self.linkTo, HTMLContentMap): fileCache[link_hash] = {"datetime": time.time(), "content": self.linkTo.markdown_make().encode()} elif isinstance(self.linkTo, UrlLink): fileCache[link_hash] = {"datetime": time.time(), "content": self.linkTo.url.encode()} elif isinstance(self.linkTo, FileLink): r = requests.get(self.linkTo.url + "&token=" + mo.token) fileCache[link_hash] = {"datetime": time.time(), "content": r.content} return fileCache[link_hash]["content"][offset:offset + size] @staticmethod def from_moodle(moodle: Moodle): f = FSNode("/", None, True) for cat in moodle.get_enrolled_categories(): f.children.append(FSNode.from_category(cat, f, moodle)) # request picture url and get filetype of image response = requests.head(moodle.userpictureurl) if response.headers["content-type"] == "image/jpeg": filetype = ".jpg" elif response.headers["content-type"] == "image/png": filetype = ".png" elif response.headers["content-type"] == "image/gif": filetype = ".gif" elif response.headers["content-type"] == "image/bmp": filetype = ".bmp" elif response.headers["content-type"] == "image/webp": filetype = ".webp" elif response.headers["content-type"] == "image/tiff": filetype = ".tiff" else: filetype = "" if len(filetype): user_picture = FSNode("user_picture"+filetype, f, False) user_picture.linkTo = FileLink(moodle.userpictureurl) user_picture.size = int(response.headers["content-length"]) f.children.append(user_picture) readme = FSNode("", f, False) readme.linkTo = HTMLContentMap() if moodle.site_name is not None: readme.linkTo.add("

" + moodle.site_name + "

", 0) if moodle.release is not None: readme.linkTo.add("Moodle v. " + moodle.release + "
", 1) if moodle.lang is not None: readme.linkTo.add("Language: " + moodle.lang + "
", 2) readme.linkTo.add("Logged in as "+moodle.fullname+ "\n", 3) readme.size = len(readme.linkTo.markdown_make()) f.children.append(readme) return f @staticmethod def from_label(mo: Label, parent, m) -> None: f = parent.find_child_by_name(slugify("")) if f is not None: f.linkTo.add(mo.htmlcontent, else: f = FSNode(slugify(""), parent, False) f.linkTo = HTMLContentMap() f.linkTo.add(mo.htmlcontent, f.size = len(f.linkTo.markdown_make()) parent.children.append(f) return None @staticmethod def from_url(mo: Url, parent, m): if == 'nt': f = FSNode(".url", parent, False) file_content = "[InternetShortcut]\nURL="+mo.url f.size = len(file_content) f.linkTo = UrlLink(file_content) else: f = FSNode(".txt", parent, False) f.size = len(mo.url) f.linkTo = UrlLink(mo.url) return f def get_full_path(self) -> str: if self.parent is None: return "/" return self.parent.get_full_path() + + "/"