# moodlefuse - FUSE filesystem for Moodle [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/matmasit/moodlefuse/badge/main)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/matmasit/moodlefuse/overview/main) This is a FUSE filesystem for Moodle. It allows you to mount your Moodle site as a filesystem and access your Moodle files as if they were local files. It is a concept that has been around for a while, but I have not found any implementations that I could get to work, or that were not abandoned. This is my attempt at creating one. ## Windows binary You can easily grab a Windows binary in the _realeases_ section, it behaves as the program with all dependencies already resolved in a single file (thanks, pyinstaller), make sure to place the env file alongside it with the correct credentials. **You need to install [Winsfp](https://winfsp.dev/) to run the program on Windows.** ## Installation First, you need to create a `.env` file with the following variables: ```bash SITE=https://moodle.example.com MOODLE_USERNAME=yourusername PASSWORD=yourpassword MOUNT=/path/to/mountpoint ``` Then, just run the python script with the requirements installed. You can use a virtual environment if you want. ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt python main.py ``` This works on Linux and Windows. I have not tested it on Mac OS, but it could work there too. > Q: Why is _refuse_ in the project root? > It's alpha software with some errors, I managed to make it fit for this project for now ### Requirements * Python 3.6 or newer * refuse - cross platform FUSE bindings * requests - HTTP library for Python * python-dotenv - Python library for reading .env files ### Features * Read-only filesystem to read your Moodle files and announcements * In-memory file caching mechanism * Automatic html-to-markdown conversion for announcements ### Future enhancements * Fix invisible top-level files * Better memory handling (customizable), expecially for large files (chunking) * Forum viewing support * Persistent tree cache (currently it is built at every mount) * Better error handling * Better logging * Better documentation * GUI ### Demo ![Demo](preview.gif)