/* * Monicelli: an esoteric language compiler * * Copyright (C) 2014 Stefano Sanfilippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Nodes.hpp" using namespace monicelli; static const std::string BLOCK = " "; std::ostream& monicelli::operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Type &type) { switch (type) { case Type::INT: stream << "int"; break; case Type::CHAR: stream << "char"; break; case Type::FLOAT: stream << "float"; break; case Type::BOOL: stream << "bool"; break; case Type::DOUBLE: stream << "double"; break; case Type::VOID: stream << "void"; break; } return stream; } void emitIndent(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) { stream << BLOCK; } } void Id::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << *value; } void Integer::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << value; } void Float::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << value; } void ExpNode::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { left->emit(stream); stream << ' ' << getSym() << ' '; right->emit(stream); } void SemiExpNode::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { SimpleExpression *e = dynamic_cast(left.get()); bool braces = (e == nullptr); stream << ' ' << getSym() << ' '; if (braces) stream << "("; left->emit(stream); if (braces) stream << ")"; } void StatementList::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { for (Statement *s: *this) { emitIndent(stream, indent); s->emit(stream, indent); stream << ";\n"; } } void Return::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "return"; if (expression != nullptr) { stream << ' '; expression->emit(stream); } } void Loop::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "do {\n"; body->emit(stream, indent + 1); emitIndent(stream, indent); stream << "} while ("; condition->emit(stream); stream << ")"; } void BranchCase::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { condition->emit(stream); stream << ") {\n"; body->emit(stream, indent); emitIndent(stream, indent - 1); stream << "}"; } void Branch::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "if ("; var->emit(stream); if (cases->size() > 0) { BranchCase *last = cases->back(); for (BranchCase *c: *cases) { c->emit(stream, indent + 1); if (c != last) { stream << " else if ("; var->emit(stream); } } } if (els == nullptr) { return; } stream << " else {\n"; els->emit(stream, indent + 1); emitIndent(stream, indent); stream << "}"; } void VarDeclaration::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << type << ' '; if (point) stream << '*'; name->emit(stream); if (init != nullptr) { stream << " = "; init->emit(stream); } } void Assignment::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { name->emit(stream); stream << " = "; value->emit(stream); } void Print::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "std::cout << ("; expression->emit(stream); stream << ") << std::endl"; } void Input::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "std::cin >> "; variable->emit(stream); } void Abort::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "std::exit(1)"; } void Assert::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "std::assert("; expression->emit(stream); stream << ")"; } void FunctionCall::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { name->emit(stream); stream << "("; args->emit(stream); stream << ")"; } void FunArg::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << type << (pointer? "* ": " "); name->emit(stream); } void Function::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { emitSignature(stream, indent); stream << " {\n"; body->emit(stream, indent + 1); stream << "}\n\n"; } void Function::emitSignature(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { emitIndent(stream, indent); stream << type << ' '; name->emit(stream); stream << "("; args->emit(stream); stream << ")"; } void Main::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { emitIndent(stream, indent); stream << "int main() {\n"; body->emit(stream, indent + 1); stream << "}\n"; } void Program::emit(std::ostream &stream, int indent) { stream << "#include \n"; stream << "#include \n\n"; for (Function *f: functions) { f->emitSignature(stream); stream << ";\n"; } stream << "\n"; for (Function *f: functions) { f->emit(stream); } if (main != nullptr) { main->emit(stream); } }