A tool to share an archive with important messages in special events.
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2021-02-15 13:16:15 +01:00
SafeBoxDecryptor Update README.md 2021-02-15 13:14:35 +01:00
SafeBoxEncryptor SafeBoxEncryptor's README 2021-02-15 13:16:15 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2021-02-06 18:04:13 +01:00
README.md Added encryption (finally) 2021-02-15 12:32:04 +01:00


A tool to share an archive with important messages in special events.

You can give keys (passwords) to a number of people and have them enter them into the correct order to extract your files

Creating a safebox:

1. Using the SafeBoxEncryptor

You will need to use "encrypt.php" script

(php 7.5, run from cli as php encrypt.php)

The script will guide through the creation of a safebox

2. Manually

Manually create an archvie following the file specification

Archive Creation

1. Create a zip achive named "data.zip"
2. Add the "meta.json" file inside

The file should be structured in this way

  "title": "Title",
  "author": "Author",
  "message": "Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet",
  "nkeys": 2,
  "unixcreated": 1612619383
Key Description
title The Title of the archive
author The Author
message A message shown before the key insertion
nkeys The number of keys
unixcreated The UNIX timestamp (seconds) when this archive was created
3. Create a second zip archive and add the files to be stored
4. Password protect said file with a concatenation of all the keys surrounded by "|"

(password1, password 2 -> |password1|password2|)

When you hand over the keys, remember to tell the index the key occupies in the list, starting from 1 in this case,

  1. password1
  2. password2
5. Add the second archive to the first archive (step 1)
6. Change the firt archive's (step 1) extension to .sfbx

On opening the file with SafeBox, the metadata will be shown and when all the keys will have been inserted in the correct order, the folder will be extracted