.TH sleepuntil 1 "May 2024" "1.0" "sleepuntil man page" .SH NAME sleepuntil \- sleep until a specified datetime .SH SYNOPSIS .B sleepuntil [\-v] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sleepuntil command sleeps until the specified datetime is reached. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-v Enable verbose mode. .TP .BR \-h Help message. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .BR sleepuntil " 'tomorrow 8:00'" Sleep until tomorrow 8:00. .TP .BR sleepuntil " 10pm " && " evening_task" Sleeps until 10pm, then evening_task is executed. .SH AUTHOR Mattia Mascarello .SH BUGS Report bugs to: https://github.com/MatMasIt/sleepuntil .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2024 Mattia Mascarello